Google replacing the traditional libraries?

Just a ‘search’ click and you are million kilometers away from home. The ancient culture of traditional libraries, the antique scent of pages which have been flipped in many hands and the common place where we find ‘silence please’ on the walls is fading away with the sprouting of e-books and the internet giant google’s…Read more Google replacing the traditional libraries?

Live and Let Live!

A freedom without discipline is a disorder. The public places, whether it is a children park, a zoo, a bus stand, hospitals, lifts and even roads, become the worst victims of the lack of civic sense. Irrespective of the class of the society they belong to, the circles of disastrous smoke fly’s all over. City…Read more Live and Let Live!

INFOSYS INTERVIEW: who wants to be an infoscion ?

As an excited woman, the sound of rain drops, the petrichor and also seetu sir’s classes.. were exciting to me.. then why wont be my first interview? (not exactly first maybe I should call it first in college) I was thrilled rather overwhelmed, tensed and what not! There came an announcement Infosys is the first…Read more INFOSYS INTERVIEW: who wants to be an infoscion ?

Beauty – my definition!

Thesaurus defines beauty as physical attractiveness, Merriam defines beauty as  a pleasurable feeling which exalts mind and spirit. how does you define beauty? being beautiful, elegant, splendid, eye catching...why does one want to look beautiful? is it caz we want every eyes on us, or beauty is a jargon used by layman to satisfy his critical heart ? it was in the hard ,tough,wrinkled  hands…Read more Beauty – my definition!

perfect! is just a word !

Since my 19 years i have been searching for everything perfect ,perfect toys, perfect knowledge, perfect room, perfect friend, perfect everything, but nothing in this world is perfect! nothing! read this again! NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS PERFECT! am i right? when we start searching for things which are perfect! we lose many around which…Read more perfect! is just a word !

lOve and lIfe-3

plz start frm part 1.... scroll down.. she was walking, he could find her from far.. her dark hair..down her shoulders.just like a fragrance spreading around ,walking along the just drenched dark road..she was there in sleeves...the weather was perfect..more than perfect. He knew she was there when the zephyr hit him.. ,  sudha.. you…Read more lOve and lIfe-3